Ages: 16 year olds

Dates: June 22-28, 2025

Total Fee: $650+$50 deposit

Important deadlines:

  • Camper physicals are due 6/1/2025.
  • Requests for financial aid are due by 6/1/2025.
  • All sponsorship payments need to be submitted by 6/1/2025.
  • All payments are due in full by 6/1/2025.

The Hertko Future Leaders (HFL) offers two programs for teens who want to further their leadership skills and/or prepare to become a counselor at Camp Hertko Hollow in future years. Two programs, the Counselor in Training (CIT) program and the Leaders in Training (LIT) program are offered to 16 and 17 year olds who are looking to gain valuable leadership skills that will serve them well at home, in school, and in their own communities.

Leaders In Training (LIT) – for 16 year olds

  • The LIT program is designed for teens who want to enhance their skills in leadership. Emphasis is placed upon developing interpersonal and communication skills, as well as team-building through activities and service projects.
  • Participation in the LIT program is by selection. Those interested in the program must complete an application process.
  • Applicants who are not selected as an LIT candidate for 2025 may still register for Teen Week as a camper.
  • After successful completion of the LIT program you may be recommended for the CIT program the following year.

To be a LIT:

  • Applicants must be 16 years old as of June 22, 2025.
  • Applicants must possess a genuine interest in discovering what you are capable of and finding your inner leader.
  • A positive and cooperative attitude and pleasant disposition are critical personal attributes for the position.
  • Applicants must have previously attended Camp Hertko Hollow as a camper.
  • Applicants must be working towards good control of their diabetes and have a good understanding of diabetes and its care.
  • Application Link