About Us

Camp Hertko Hollow is dedicated to improving the lives of children and youth who have diabetes.

Dedicated to Children with Diabetes

Camp Hertko Hollow is dedicated to improving the lives of children and youth who have diabetes. The goals at camp are: Recreation, Education, Regulation and FUN! Campers enjoy the traditional camp activities while learning about living with diabetes. Meeting other youth and counselors who have diabetes is also a great benefit of the experience.

A History of Helping Children

Dr. Edward Hertko took a special interest in diabetes after growing up with a diabetic mother and brother. With his medical degree in internal medicine, Dr. Hertko moved to Iowa in 1960, and cared for many patients with diabetes. In 1963, with the help of the Iowa Dep’t of Public Health, Dr. Edward Hertko started the first diabetes support groups in Iowa which, subsequently became the Iowa Diabetes Association in 1968. In 1968, as an affiliated program of the Iowa Diabetes Association Dr. Hertko created a camp for children with diabetes. The first camp session was held that year at the 4-H Camp in Madrid, Iowa and was temporarily called Elm Camp. The campers from that first session voted to officially name the camp “Camp Hertko Hollow” in honor of Dr. Hertko, founder of the camp. 

The mission of Camp Hertko Hollow is to: